CBD SKincare Co. Rebrand

The CBD Skincare Co.
Project Type
Project MADE
May 2, 2022

Rebranding The CBD Skincare Co. is a school project to explore the basics of branding. The goal is to explore capturing the themes and motives of the brand and applying color, type, and design to give life to the brand in a meaningful way.

The brands pre existing packaging emphasizes more clarity and ease to read for their consumers so that they can appeal to a wider audience. I continued that approach and added more apothecary elements to the brand. I am inspired by their principles and to bring forward the idea created a new logo I call hemp trace.

I also created imagery for their potential branding guidelines in their social media. Bringing to light more of the transparency in ingredients by showcasing the herbs and ingredients around the product.

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I’m always looking for new projects and creative opportunities, so please feel free to reach and let's start something!

Thank you! Will be in touch soon!
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